One of my favorite things about becoming a mom is the "mommy friends" I've made. Some of my best friends are those who I met at new mom's groups after Andrew was born. For 3+ years now, a group of us have been getting our kids together for a playgroup every week. Within the 3 years, we have shared many stories, hugs, laughs and tears. We have also shared in the births of our second and third children. The bond I share with these women is truly incredible. What is even cooler though is the bond the kids share, which has grown over the years. As many of you know, Andrew LOVES his friend Anna...if you ask him who his girlfriend is, he'll say Anna! This works out well, because Derek and I really enjoy spending time with Carrie and John (Anna's parents). We have even joked that we will arrange a marriage for Andrew and Anna :) Almost 3 months ago, John, Carrie and Anna welcomed Seamus (aka Shay) to their family. If you ask Anna what her little brother's name is, she'll tell you, "His name is Shay, but I call him Little Buddy." cute is that!!! With the addition of Jacob to our family, it is fun to know that our second children will grow up to be "little buddies" just as Andrew and Anna have! Carrie and I spend a lot of time together with the kids, and this week was no exception. On Tuesday, we all met at Tysons Corner for some errands (aka shopping!), play time and lunch. Wednesday we saw each other again at our weekly playgroup and on Thursday we took the kids to see Mr Knick Knack at Jammin' Java. Speaking of which…for all you locals…be sure to check out my newest addition to the blog. In response to some requests, I have added a list of some of our favorite activities around the area. I just started this section, so please check back for updates. Please also feel free to let me know anything you think I should add to the list.
Anna & Andrew - July 2005