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can't get this one to rotate...tilt your head!
As a mom of two wild-n-crazy boys, I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject of "timeouts". This blog is my way of taking a "timeout", because afterall, who doesn't need it every once in a while. Here, you will find stories about anything from motherhood to hot topics to just plain nothing. I hope you enjoy this blog and decide to share it with others. My goal is to make your day brighter, through humor and taking a little time out for yourself.
can't get this one to rotate...tilt your head!
yesterday turned out to be a gorgeous day here in the nation's capital, so we headed down to meet some friends at the cherry blossom festival. when we left the house at 11:30am, i had no idea we wouldn't return home until close to 6pm! it was quite a day...andTONS of fun! for those of you planning to visit the blossoms, here's what i suggest...we drove to hains point (exit 2 off 395) and parked there (free parking). supposedly there are 800 spots available, but it didn't seem that way as i was driving around the large circle with an anxious 4 year old asking "are we at the park yet" every 30 seconds! we eventually found a spot and made our way to the shuttle bus line. the shuttle (also free) takes you right to the tidal basin. we hiked about halfway around to where all of the festivities/vendors were...and a nice large grassy area :) after a picnic lunch, the kids ran around...playing soccer, tag, red light green light, and other fun games. around 2:30 we decided to head back around to the shuttle. by the time we got to the car it was almost 4...yes, it was quite crowded and difficult to maneuver strollers and preschoolers all at the same time! as we approached the end of the shuttle ride, jacob was really crabby. i figured he was pretty tired, since he usually naps around 2pm. as his crying got louder, i had a realization...we were having so much fun i skipped his afternoon nursing...oops mommy! so...when we got to the car, andrew sat in his car seat while i attempted to nurse jacob in the car...not while moving, of course! i say attempted, because he was quite distracted by andrew's voice saying "is it time for ice cream now" over and over again. you see...my friend and i had bribed the boys earlier by telling them they could have ice cream if they took pictures with us...i know, i know...we're not supposed to bribe our kids, but hey...you look at the pics and tell me it wasn't worth it! around 4pm we headed to georgetown, had ice cream, picked derek up from work and headed home!