we are back from our travels to corolla, nc (the beach) and dallas, tx (family reunion)...and i came back to some FABULOUS deals! but...before i get to those..let me share some of our memories with you...

andrew & sarah seeking out the enemy for watergun fights

one of the ONLY pics of jacob...he wasn't a big fan of the beach!

the gang going to feed the turtes...minus jacob - he was asleep already

ladies day at the spaaaaahhhh!!!

nanny enjoying the ocean with andrew & lauren

cozy in bed!

date night...after a few beers, if you couldn't tell!

sarah & andrew jump the waves

andrew "surfing"

annual family pic

awww man that's cold water!
we really had a great time at the beach...as always! we are so blessed to have such a wonderful family to spend time with and enjoy a vacation together!!!
after 3 days at home and lots of laundry to be done, we were off to dallas, tx for the fey (derek's mom's side) family reunion. we had never been to dallas, so we took advantage of the time and did a few touristy things...and a whole lot of hanging out with the fam. aunt jane and uncle dave have a beautiful home (with an awesome pool) and provided us with such wonderful hospitality. i truly did not want to leave tx and head back to reality! here are some of our memories...

waiting to board the plane

this horsey tire swing was so cool!!!

j takes a turn

andrew in his giddy up

going for a spin...hummer style!

j was in love with baby janie

the boyz

jodi explains that we can't possibly take henry on that train in the 100+ degree weather...instead we'll go shopping!

the kiddos aboard the
money that the robbers handed out...i know, it's backwards...robbers are supposed to take your money...not on this train!

final meal at cracker barrel...where else?!?!?
amelia & henry
andrew & jacob