Saturday, November 29, 2008

can he build it???


if you follow this blog, or know my family at all, you know that derek has passed his LOVE of legos on to andrew. i have been impressed with andrew's ability to follow the directions and build legos for quite some time now. however, today he took it to a whole new level! andrew built this without any instructions to follow or pictures to look at...and without ANY help! he carried his creation into the family room and said "mom and dad, look at my biplane!" he then showed us the wheels, wings, windows, and propeller...WOW!!!

heading south for the winter parents are officially "snowbirds"...they left this morning for their trek down south for the winter. they will be living in boca raton, florida (with all of the other jewish retirees!) until early april. even though they made this trip last year, for some reason it feels different this time around. maybe it's because i have a newborn, who i love seeing them interact with...maybe it's because i see how close andrew has grown to them over the past year...maybe it's hormones (you can always blame hormones, right?!?!?)...or maybe it's simply because they're my mommy and daddy and i can't imagine not seeing them until late january when we'll head to florida. whatever the reason, i find myself with mixed emotions. i am so excited for them, because i know how wonderful their winter was last year...they were healthier in florida than they ever were in virginia. i am also sad though, because i know how much i will miss them over the next 4+ months. no more meetings at the mall...or meeting up for dinner...or stopping by to see the grand kids. as i sit here and type this, my parents are in a hotel in south carolina, and i'm wondering if this is somewhat how they felt when i left for college so many years ago. aaaahhh...the circle of life! is this what it will feel like when i send my kids to summer camp for the first time???
mom and dad...since i know you'll be reading this...
i love you so very much and i cherish the close bond that we share. thank you for instilling such wonderful family values in me and for raising me to be the mom i am today. i am a better person because of you! i know you are going to have a blast over the next 4 months. you'll be able to keep up with our everyday lives through the blog and of course, through the many iphone pictures i'll send you! i love you guys!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

special visitors

i have always had a special bond with my cousins and it absolutely warms my heart to have them involved in my children's lives. my cousin lisa, who lives in new york, drove here after school (she's a teacher) on friday. andrew was so excited for her to visit, he wanted to stay awake until she arrived, which was around 9pm. we had such a fun weekend...and i think the only time we left the house was for breakfast at silver diner on sunday. this was the first time lisa met jacob, so they had a lot of catching up to do!

on monday, derek's old coworker (and our buddy) ian was in town, so he came over for dinner. andrew really loves playing with ian! in this picture they were riding in their fire truck :) oh, the imagination of an almost 4 year old...and a 25 year old!

hope everyone has a nice thanksgiving! i'll post pics from our turkey festivities soon...

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