i can't believe it's been 2 weeks since my last post! once again, i find myself saying the same thing; "things have been a bit crazy around here lately, but then again, when are things not crazy." blogging has taken a backseat over the past 2 weeks, when it really should have been a priority...as i've said before, i really find this to be a great outlet for me. a lot has taken place with me personally, that maybe someday i'll find the courage (and time) to write about in this blog. for now though, let's focus on the kids and what we've been up to...
papa and gg (derek's parents) came in for a quick visit earlier in the month. despite grand plans of painting our bedroom while they were here, we pretty much just hung out and spent time together. this may have been the first visit where we didn't put them to work! it was really nice to see them and watch them with the kids. they hadn't seen jacob since he was born, and couldn't believe how much he'd changed since then.
as you well know, andrew LOVES firefighters...books about firefighters, playing firefighter, etc. this past week, i took the boys to the library for a fire safety puppet show. it was very cute and well done. after the puppet show, they announced that there were some special visitors coming. i wish i could've captured the look on andrew's face when the firemen walked in! he was SO excited! i DID snap a pic of him with his fire hat on...check out that happy kid!
this weekend, we drove up to new york to see my grandma. we stayed with my aunt judy and my cousin staci & her hubby were there too. it was such a great weekend and a much needed break for me...since judy and staci were ALL about the kids :) (thanks guys!) my grandma has not been doing great, so derek and i were pleasantly surprised at her alertness and how much she interacted with the kids. it was really wonderful to see her! these are memories i will cherish forever! unfortunately, i only have this one picture of greatma and jacob from my camera...my aunt took great pics though.
while andrew wasn't so thrilled with staci and alek's dog, mason, jacob seemed to really like him. i think this video speaks for itself!
here are some more pics from our visit to ny...