Thursday, September 23, 2010

proud mama...

i've been shouting it from the rooftops this week, but just in case you haven't heard...
i am SO incredibly proud of andrew!

after working out the kinks and making some changes to our school routine, andrew is doing GREAT in kindergarten!

week 2 was rough for us. andrew cried and held on to me (with a VERY tight hold i might add!) every day at drop off. the teachers literally had to pry him off of me and get him in to the classroom. i emailed the teacher and principal to figure out how we could remedy this situation and THAT DAY he was assigned a "buddy", one of the school counselors, who would meet him in the gym when i drop him off in the morning. he was introduced to Mrs Hulke and has since become her friend! i can tell he feels so special when she sees him and says "good morning my friend!" with open arms and a warm smile! this has helped us tremendously!!!! he is now walking in with a smile!

andrew and i have something in common...we both love to read! i am so proud of my little bookworm! he is now reading US a book at bedtime, instead of the other way around! andrew also takes great pride in reading books to jacob, which just melts my heart! most recently, andrew read (and i mean HE READ, not us!) Nate the Great. You should've seen the smile on his face when he reached the last page, turned to me, and said "I did it mom. I just read that whole book!" He then asked me to put a note in his backpack on library day, asking the librarian to help him find another Nate the Great book. He chose Nate the Great and the Stolen Base and has already started reading it! I am SO SO SO proud of him!!!

as you well know from reading this blog, andrew had a lot of challenges last year in school. he was acting up and overall just not behaving well. i'm not sure what changed, but he is coming home from school this year with great rewards! on tuesday, he came home with a new eraser, which he explained to me was from the prize box. in his class, each child starts the day off with 3 rubber bands. they lose a rubber band if they misbehave and can also earn rubber bands for very good behavior. the goal, of course, is to have all 3 rubber bands (or more) left at the end of the day.
well...come to find out, through more conversation, andrew had not only earned 4 rubber bands that day...he was THE ONLY one in the class to do so! i was so proud of him that we went out for ice cream to celebrate! yesterday, he came home with a medal around his neck. he told me he got to pick from the prize box again, but he was a little disappointed because other kids did too. i explained to him that he should be proud because they saw him get to pick a prize on tuesday and then they decided to be good too so they could do the same the next day. he was setting an example for them. he felt really good about that.

there are so many more reasons for which i am proud of andrew....too many to list, in fact! i love his smile, his hugs, the way he says "no mommy, i love you more!", the way he cherishes our cuddle time. i love how he takes pride in his work. i love the little man he is turning into. i love the way he teaches jacob things (even if they're not always good things!). i love that he is MY son and i am SO proud to be his mommy!!!!

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