andrew & miss beth (his pre-k teacher)
so...it's official...andrew will be starting a new chapter in his life soon...KINDERGARTEN! his preschool had a nice graduation ceremony (despite several unnecessary lengthy speeches) complete with ice cream sundaes...MY KIND OF CEREMONY! i must admit, that yes,
i did cry...as the children were entering the room, adorned with their graduation caps, i began to picture this very same event taking place in 2023...when andrew will graduate from high school. i couldn't help but shed some tears! we are very proud of the progress andrew has made over the past year...both socially and academically.
* last summer you may recall my struggles with andrew at soccer camp...he wouldn't leave my side and when i left, he would throw a fit and not participate. andrew now willingly participates in team sports...and has come to LOVE playing tball.
* i couldn't get andrew to even get in the pool for swim lessons last summer....he is now getting in and out of the pool by himself...jumping into the pool...going under water...and learning how to swim!!!
* andrew has always shown a love of books (must come from me!)...he is now reading, yes reading, books on his own!!!
* andrew's ability to appropriately express his emotions has improved greatly! our reward system seems to be working and life is so much better for all around the house :)
i could not be more proud of andrew as he enters this new stage in his life. i know he will blow the teachers away with his sense of humor and love of learning...and i'm confident he will make many friends and continue with his social growth. i love you andrew and i am so proud to be your mommy!!!
ok...tissue please...sniff, sniff...

grads entering the room

proudly displaying his diploma :)

with best buddy ian

with his best girls...karley & eliza