i just received a call from a friend of mine who is at partylite's national conference in st louis....and OMG...working for this company just gets better every year!!! as many of you know, i look forward to our national conference every year, not only for the superb training i receive and awesome promotions they announce, but also because we find out the location for our annual incentive trip. so...the trip in 2009...is to a brand new, all-inclusive resort...with a golf course and spa...and a jacuzzi in every room...in...
Saturday, July 19, 2008
wax anyone???
Thursday, July 17, 2008
upcoming blog and other news to note...
as many of you know, derek and i are proud owners of the newest tech gadget....the iphone! it was quite an adventure to get our hands on them, and i look forward to sharing the story and pics with you in a future blog.
for those of you who receive my blog updates via email, be sure to visit the actual blog website (banocyfamily.blogspot.com) soon. i've made some changes and additions.
exciting news...in the not too distant future, yours truly should be blogging weekly on JMommies.com. details are still being hashed out, so i'll keep you posted! thanks to those of you who have given me such positive feedback about my writing and the courage to pursue this new adventure...i'm really excited!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
four weeks flew by...

amidst all the chaos, i'm trying to make sure that andrew still gets his big boy time, to play with his friends. see some fun pictures below...

fireman andrew

lily and andrew