Wednesday, December 30, 2009

winter wonderland

highlights from our adventures in 18 inches of snow...

jacob wasn't so sure about it at first. can't really blame him, since he was knee deep in the white stuff and couldn't manage to even walk around

this will give you an idea of how high the snow our back door
andrew and derek built a snow fort/igloo

andrew enjoyed sledding for the first time...and even tried it by himself (which he loved!)

a cut above

jacob has officially left the "baby look" behind and is sporting a new toddler haircut. at 18 months (on andrew's bday actually) jacob had his first haircut. i must admit, i was a bit nervous going into it, since andrew's 1st haircut was a miserable experience for all parties involved. in true jacob spirit, he didn't cry at all...and gave us some big smiles along the way.

as one might expect, the locks of love that were shed from jacob's head, have yet to make it into his baby book. POOR SECOND CHILD!

blog template by : background image by Patrick Hennessey