i'm not sure how 2 kids can possibly be so super cute....and yet such terrors at times! i'm convinced, after talking with many of my friends, that kids have several different personalities throughout their childhood....and whichever one wins out, is the one they move into adulthood with. i mean, minute these boys can be saying the sweetest thing with the cutest darn look on their faces ("i love you mommy. you're the best!)....give 'em another minute, they'll be telling you how you're the worst mommy ever (of course, it's all because you wouldn't let them have the entire box of cookies, but rather, just one or two!). much as they can drive me up a wall....i'm here to show you how cute they CAN be together....
here ya go....

purim carnival (think andrew had to pee?!?!)
off to the playground after school
yesterday, andrew asked jacob if he wanted to go upstairs and cuddle in his bed (how cute is that?!?!)
showing off their new mugs from nanny & papa...and reminiscing about our FL trip
to think back on some of the more challenging times we've had with andrew and how much he has grown over the past year, you can only IMAGINE how happy times like these make me feel! i think back to the days when i was afraid to leave them in a room alone together. now...i can honestly say that i believe these boys will be best friends for life!!!