as many of you know, i mocked my husband for months, as he checked the mac rumors website several times a day (yes, such a website does exist!) and teased him as he counted down the days until the new 3g iphone became available. well, call me a sellout, but as the day approached, i jumped right on the bandwagon. i even got a little giddy and i must admit, a little nervous thinking they might run out and we may not get one. so, you'll understand my astonishment, when on the eve of the iphone's arrival, derek told me he wasn't planning on waiting in line early in the morning. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT?!?!?! deep down in the core of my heart, i knew that his desire to own the iphone would get the best of him overnight, and he'd rethink his plan in the morning...of course, i was right! derek convinced andrew that they were going to dunkin donuts, which is next to the at&t store here, and they headed out around 7am (fyi - the store wouldn't open until 9am). well, they were back home with donuts and coffee in tow, about 20 minutes later. derek said the line at at&t was around the corner, probably 150-200 deep! keep in mind, this was a friday, and derek had to go to work...whatever?!?!? so, as derek set off to work, my panic began to set in again...would they run out of iphones? they couldn't...they must be prepared...they have to plan for this sort of madness, right? NOPE...the iphone sold out! at this point, i came to terms with the fact that we would not be one of the first owners of the iphone, but i remained determined to own one before the weekend ended. on saturday night, we checked the iphone in-store status online and decided we'd head to the apple store at tysons corner in the morning. the store would open at 11, so we wanted to get there by 9am. keep in mind, the mall itself opens at 6am, so realistically, people could start lining up at the apple store then. upon arrival, we were 45th in line...not bad.

to pass the time, derek waited in line while i walked the mall with the boys. we hit the play area, starbucks and the family rest area (to nurse jacob). the funniest thing we saw, had to be the verizon salesman walking up and down the line, offering "apples...yours!" along with a flyer for verizon's wanna-be iphone. checkc out his picture below...

after 4 hours, most of which jacob slept through, we became owners of apple iphones.

so, you may be wondering how we convinced our wild 3 1/2 year old boy to stand in this line for over 4 hours. well, bribery, of course! we told andrew that after mommy and daddy got their toys, we'd head to the lego store and get him some toys...
it's been a couple weeks, and i have to say, i'm thoroughly enjoying my new gadget! guess that's a good thing, since we spent a pretty penny (or two!) on them. it has come in handy several times and now i think to myself, "what did i do before the iphone?"...just kidding, i haven't really thought that yet...but i'm sure the words will come out of my mouth sometime soon! ok, i gotta iphone's ringing...
awesome! jason and I have ours on order--we are hoping to get them within the week. Although, it looks like I really missed out on the waiting in line with a toddler thing ;)
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