Sunday, October 5, 2008

notes to mom

oprah has always said that moms have the toughest job in the world...and of course, i have to agree! but the smiles on a child's face or a simple "i love you mom" makes it all worthwhile. parents magazine had a great article this month, which stated that while moms have a lot of lessons to teach our little ones, they too, have a few words of wisdom for us. so...while i'd like to claim the following words as my own...i have to give props to parents mag...

"stop freaking out about the mess! there's always time to clean - but how often do we get to make mud pies?"

"love me, even when i'm naughty. i'll only be this age once"

be patient. i do everything for a reason, but i don't know enough words yet to give you an explanation."

"let me do it. i know you can do it faster and better, but sometimes experience is the best teacher."

"don't expect too much of me. i want to do what you ask and make you happy, but i'm still little."

"don't keep asking me if i've been good. i'm not even sure what that means, but if i was bad, i'd never admit it!"

"keep your promises. it's all about trust. when i'm a teenager, you'll understand why it's so important."

"set limits. i can't actually eat a whole box of cookies - i just want to see if i'd get away with it."

and my favorites...

"don't let me think that you're perfect. i feel a lot better knowing i'm not the only one who makes mistakes sometimes."
"don't try to reason with me when i'm having a tantrum. trust me - i can't hear you over my own screaming."


jodi said...

this is a great post--I feel the need to refer to it often!

Unknown said...

glad you enjoyed it! i was tempted to print it out on 11x13 and frame it!!!

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