Wednesday, November 26, 2008

special visitors

i have always had a special bond with my cousins and it absolutely warms my heart to have them involved in my children's lives. my cousin lisa, who lives in new york, drove here after school (she's a teacher) on friday. andrew was so excited for her to visit, he wanted to stay awake until she arrived, which was around 9pm. we had such a fun weekend...and i think the only time we left the house was for breakfast at silver diner on sunday. this was the first time lisa met jacob, so they had a lot of catching up to do!

on monday, derek's old coworker (and our buddy) ian was in town, so he came over for dinner. andrew really loves playing with ian! in this picture they were riding in their fire truck :) oh, the imagination of an almost 4 year old...and a 25 year old!

hope everyone has a nice thanksgiving! i'll post pics from our turkey festivities soon...


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