today marked the final day of andrew's 15 day winter break from school. yes, you heard me...15 days! the 2 weeks actually seemed to go by much faster than i had anticipated, with half of it being spent in st louis. while i complained a lot over the past 2 weeks that andrew would not be returning to school on monday along with the rest of the world, i must admit, it was kind of nice to have the 2 extra days of lazying around in the morning. tomorrow will be a rude awakening for all of us!
anyway...the point of my post tonight, is not to gripe about andrew's school calendar, but rather to tell you about the super fun day we had today at At Play Cafe in reston. since this was our first visit to at play cafe, i wasn't quite sure what to expect. a mom of one of andrew's classmates emailed me to see if we wanted to meet there and after looking at the website, i said sure. after all, just a snippet from their home page is quite appealing to any stay at home mom...especially on the 15th day of winter break...
~ you and a friend can have a conversation over lunch while our staff plays with your children nearby?
boy am i glad we went! andrew and his friend had an absolute blast!!! the staff was extremely friendly to both children and adults. the facility was very clean and provided a great layout for the kids to have fun with their moms close by, but not right in the action. the play area included a variety of different activities, including dress-up (and not just princesses!), a kitchen, climbing equipment, a slide and much more! a second room had play mats lining the floor, balls aplenty, a basketball hoop and ride-on toys. there was also a story time, which was included with our admission. speaking of admission, it is only $8 per child...what a bargain!!! the food was also a great deal...and quite tasty too! adults (and kids, i suppose) can enjoy a wonderful lunch for under $6. kid's meals include a 1/2 sandwich, side of applesauce and a drink all for only $3! as a money conscious mama, i was thrilled by these prices! oh, and they also offer a variety of classes. check it out on their website!
before leaving, i spoke briefly with one of the owners and she mentioned that they may be opening additional locations. hopefully one will be a bit closer to alexandria, but if not, i would most definitely travel to reston to visit at play cafe again! anyone up for lunch???

sounds really fun! lets do that when we come!
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