today jacob had his 15 month checkup (a month late!) and everything looks great. here are his stats and how he compares to andrew at this age.
h: 33 1/4 in (the height of an avg. 22 month old!)
w: 25.1 lbs
h: 30 7/8 in
w: 22 lbs 8 oz
JACOB is now officially walking! while this makes it much easier for us to go some places; like the playground or playing makes it quite difficult when i want to put J in the stroller. over the past 2 months, he has developed QUITE an attitude and let's everyone within a 30 mile radius know when he is not happy about something! this kid has the highest pitched squeals and screams i have ever heard come out of a human mouth! i'm beginning to think we may have a future opera singer on our hands :)
he is also saying "mama" A LOT and does sign language for the words "more", "help" and "all done."
ANDREW is doing fantastic at school! he absolutely loves his friends & teachers and just about every day when i pick him up he says, "mom, school was great today." he continues to amaze me every day with the things he knows...he can now count to 100, count backward from 20-0, write the entire alphabet, do addition and subtraction AND he is starting to read!!! school is full of fun projects...for sukkot, he made an edible sukkah and today he made this edible torah & yad, for simchat torah.

derek and i are continuing to advocate for andrew and help our family be as wonderful as we know it can be. tonight was andrew's last session with his play therapist, as we just did not feel it was the right fit. in 2 weeks, D and i will be meeting with a LCSW at JSSA (jewish social services agency) to discuss services for andrew. hopefully this will provide us with more of what we are searching for! we are still struggling with many of the same issues with andrew, along the lines of physical and verbal behaviors. we also still see how much he struggles to make decisions...much like his mom and dad (wonder where he gets it from)...and it just breaks my heart for such a young child to have such a difficult time.
so...i titled this post "update on da boyz"...which would include DEREK...
i am SO proud to announce that derek has been named an associate at cox, graae & spack architects!!! he has worked very hard to earn this promotion and it has paid off!
in the next few weeks, we are looking forward to enjoying a fun BLOCKtoberfest with our neighbors, a great halloween AND melissa and land's wedding (FINALLY!!!)
Congrats to Derek!
Wow - Jacob is a big guy!
Good for you for going with your gut on services for Andrew - it has to be a right fit for you! From the info in this and your last post, it really sounds like you are all starting to make some progress!
Congrats to all da boyz!!! What a great update. I love you guys and miss you so much.
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