WOW...what a day! we celebrated andrew's 5th birthday with a fireman theme...complete with "tape the badge on the fireman", "stop drop and roll (like freeze dance)", a special cake made by derek...and the highlight of the day... A VISIT FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!
andrew had a fantastic time with his friends and family. he told me tonight, that this was the best birthday party ever! i am SO glad he enjoyed it. i absolutely can not believe andrew is going to be 5 next week...where does time go?!?! i almost shed a tear tonight, when filling out the 5th birthday page in his baby book, b/c i turned the page to find that this was the LAST page in the book!!! so...we're off to start a new chapter...and i'll be off to buy a "not so baby book" to journal the memories along the way.
enjoy the pics....

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