while you may think this post, entitled "the project", is going to be about my recent dejunktification project...indeed it is about quite a different "project!" as many of you know, i tend to refer to jacob as my "easy going" child. in comparison to the many issues i've faced with andrew, jacob is typically a go with the flow kind of kid. those of you who have spent any time at all with jacob, also know though, that when he is not happy with something he let's EVERYONE know it, with his VERY LOUD shrieks and screams!
jacob and andrew started parent/child swim lessons last weekend. thinking that andrew might be a tough cookie about getting in the pool (as he's been in the past), i chose what i thought was the easy way out...taking jacob to his lesson. apparently when i made this decision, i had forgotten how much jacob despises being in the water...even the bathtub! as you can imagine, jacob pretty much cleared out the pool with his screams of discontent. i stuck it out though (as did everyone else!)...even though the 30 minute class seemed to last hours! i even had a complete stranger approach me in the locker room to tell me that she didn't think my child liked the pool...really lady...thanks for being so perceptive!!!
so...week 2...you should've seen the faces of the other parents when we arrived poolside. i'm not sure if they thought we wouldn't show up for week 2, or if they were just hoping it wouldn't be as bad as week 1. once in the water, one of the moms introduced herself and her son. i honestly think she felt really bad for me and was trying to be nice. well, the success of week 2 depends on who you ask. i thought it was a success...jacob cried almost, BUT NOT the entire class. he was calm enough to sort of participate in an activity with the group. if you ask the parents and the instructor, i have a feeling they would say that this week was not much better than week 1. in fact, the instructor told me that jacob is her "project!" she will get him to like the water by the end of the session...which is 7 weeks btw! the complete stranger from the week before, must have agreed with me on the outcome of this week's lesson...her comment this week..."he didn't seem to scream as much this week!!!"
i'll let you know how the "swim project" progresses! in the meantime, i'll leave you with a cute pic of jacob in the locker room. he was all smiles once we got out of the water!

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