I know, it's a pretty lame play on words, but it's the truth! Once again, even though I promised myself not to, I have FALLen behind on my blog. Writing is something I enjoy so much and really should make more time for. My good friend Robyn started a blog about 1 1/2 years ago and promised herself she'd write every other day...and she is really good at sticking to that. She then published her blog into a book, based on an idea I had given her. I am hoping to do that too, so I really want to keep up with the writing.
We've had a lot of fun over the past 3 weeks (since my last entry)...and the boys have had a chance to spend time alone with me one weekend and Derek another. While I can't speak for Derek's weekend with the boys (they said it was great), I can tell you that mine was AWESOME! We had a full weekend and really had a lot of fun!
The weekend started off with a sleepover for Andrew and our next door neighbor Natalie. We had a pizza party, baked cookies, watched a movie, read lots of books....and they finally fell asleep around 11pm. Minus the fact that they were up at 5:45am, it was a successful sleepover!

baking cookies
sleepover time :)
6am...up and ready to roll!
Saturday morning, I took the boys to Picture People for professional pics. This is something I haven't done since Andrew turned one! I hate paying for them and sometimes they just turn out so bad, it's not worth the time, effort or money. However, I had received a coupon for 6 sheets of pics for $18 (normally it's $18/sheet), so I figured it would be worth it to head over there. WOW...was I right! The photographer was awesome and the pics are amazing!!! The pics were so good, that the salesperson talked me into joining their "Portrait Club"...so rather than spending the $18 I had planned, I walked out with my membership card and $58.75 less in my wallet!!! Hopefully we'll make it back there every few months and actually USE the membership benefits :)
From there, we headed to the Fire Station for their Open House. As always, the boys had a blast and walked away with balloons, fire hats and big smiles! Jacob was a little afraid of the men in uniform and wasn't willing to get too close to them or the trucks. Hence, why Andrew is the only one in those pics!

After the Fire House, we headed home for lunch and some much needed down time....we still had a full night ahead of us! Around 4pm, we headed out to Brambleton to a Fall Festival in my sister's neighborhood. Andrew absolutely SHOCKED me with his new found bravery! He hopped right on the rides...and even a PONY! It was his first pony ride EVER! I was so very proud of him! We had our fill of games/rides/etc. and headed back to my sister's for pizza. Then several of her neighbors came over...the kids played while the adults hung out...and then we had a sleepover there. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with my sister and we just LOVE the close friendship our children share. They are like brothers and sisters, more so than just cousins!

We left their house around 11am on Sunday, and headed straight to a birthday party at Kids In Motion. I've shared with you before how much we LOVE this place...and once again, the kids had a great time!

We came home after the party just in time to clean the house and pick up Derek at the metro.
I can honestly say that this was one of the BEST weekends I've had with the kids! We all had so much fun, despite the over scheduling that may have occurred on my part :)
Here are some other fun pics from events over the past few weeks...enjoy!
Celebrating Ari & Shirin's wedding at National Harbour
Leigh & Me with the beautiful bride, Shirin
Celebrating Lisa's Bridal Shower

AMAZING!! Amazing pictures, amazing stories, amazing family ;)
Thanks for posting and letting us share. It's such a great way for us to keep up to date on your life and what everyone's up to.
Love to all!!
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