it's no secret that people, especially women, tend to "let themselves go" or indulge while on vacation. we come up with lots of excuses to make ourselves feel better about.
the calories don't count when...'re with friends're on vaca just use your hands to pick up the food and not actually use a're just snacking then anyway!
...i'm so good at home all time, it's just this once
...on and on and on we go.....
the women in my family (me, sis, mom, aunt & 2 cousins) get away from it all by taking a girl's weekend every year. in fact, this was our 8th year! it's very low key and goes by way too quickly (just friday-sunday). it didn't take us long (like by friday night) to quickly realize that our weekend tends to revolve around our next meal. let me give you an example....
saturday morning, after eating BREAKFAST we headed to this adorable spa, which i had found online. we had a variety of services, which were all fab by the way! if you're ever in that neck of the woods, i HIGHLY recommend this quiant spa, run by dawn. along with us, we brought SNACKS. about halfway through the morning, we started thinking about LUNCH. normal, right? one might think. well, after snacking and finishing our spa time, we realized it was getting close to 2pm, and our DINNER reservations were for 6:30. this for sure was not going to be enough time to squeeze in lunch and also our wine and cheese apps before dinner. so...we bumped the reservation to 7pm. before we knew it, it was almost 3pm...with still no lunch in our bellies, we headed to a deli for some SUPER SANDWICHES...and i don't just mean the quality, but the size too! they were awesome! after LUNCH, we snuggled up to watch a movie. during the movie, we started talking about how full we were (not that it was going to stop us though!!!). realizing we still needed time for WINE AND CHEESE before DINNER, said reservation was bumped again...this time to 7:30pm. we enjoyed our wine and cheese, and dinner....and came home for ICE CREAM & BROWNIES! UM...CAN WE SAY YUM!!! AND HOLY FOOD INTAKE!!!
well...sunday morning we all went out for breakfast...a BIG BREAKFAST!!! you know the kind...pancakes, eggs, toast, home fries!!! shortly after that, we headed our separate ways back home. my mom, sis and i were driving together back to va.
ok...back track to our drive up to nj on sister mentioned that she had seen a grilled cheese episode on throwdown with bobby flay. the restaurant featured, was somewhere around the philly/nj area and it had over 30 grilled cheese sandwiches on the menu. we chuckled a bit and wondered if it was anywhere close to our route.
flash to sunday...we're probably only 30 minutes into our drive from the beach, (remember, we just finished a BIG BREAKFAST) when my mom asks if we're going to the grilled cheese place. a quick glance at each other, and i knew we had to google map it. was only 5 miles off the highway!!! we had to go!!! my sister (who is very very very health conscious) says to my mom and me (who are EATERS!!!), "are we even going to be hungry?" our response..."who needs to be hungry???" we went...for one more edible indulgence...and oh man, was it ever! you'll have to stay posted for a future blog about the cheese we experienced!!! hungry or NOT, we each ate our own sandwich...without any problems!!!
i'll leave you with this thought from good ol' maxine....
"my body is a temple where junk food goes to worship"

and remember.....although i ordered a soup and salad for dinner saturday night, i couldn't eat a bite of the salad.....but i sure was able to chow down on coffee ice cream when we got back to the beach house!!
@mom...there's always room for ice cream!!!
Love this post!! I'm only a little upset you forgot to mention the HUGE plate of chocolate chip pancakes we also ordered at Sunday's breakfast - to share, of course. HA!
@staci...i mentioned pancakes, just not of the chocolate chip variety :)
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