Jacob had his first visit to the pediatrician today and received an A+! Weight gain, breast feeding, and everything...he passed with flying colors. He has gained weight since leaving the hospital, which I could've told you, because of his crazy appetite. He has done extremely well with breastfeeding, which is a relief, after the trouble I had nursing Andrew. Jacob also seems to be becoming a better sleeper. He's been napping well during the day and last night I had to wake him for feedings throughout the night! I know what you're thinking, "Are you nuts! Never wake a sleeping baby!" Well, that's all well and good, if my boobs didn't feel like they were going to explode :) Can we say "Milk Mountains"?!?! We're hoping our nights ahead are just like last night...sleeping in 3+ hour chunks!
I was alone with both boys for the first time today, while Derek and Dorothy went to Home Depot. When they left the house, both Jacob and Andrew were sleeping. I woke Jacob to nurse, after he'd been sleeping for 3 hours and my "milk mountains" hit that point of no return! While I was nursing, Andrew woke up from his nap. Andrew was GREAT about being a big boy while I finished up with Jacob. He was probably just thrilled because I didn't put up a fight at all when he came down and asked to watch a movie. Aaahh...the beauty of videos and TV :) Derek and Dorothy were out for about an hour and I handled it all by myself...GO ME!!! When they came home, Derek had some quiet time with Jacob...

Glad Jacob is doing well! Hope he continues being a good little feeder and sleeper! Sorry about the milk mountains... The porn-star phase will pass! :-)
I'm so glad things are going well! You give me hope!
oh, and I love the new pics! Looks like Jacob is smiling! And I'm proud of you for hitting Target already, I am sure that would be my first store of choice as well!
Loved meeting Jacob the other day! (Thanks Dereck!) He is just adorable! His little cry is so cute - I'm sure you've gotten over that by now though. :)
Big brother Andrew has developed an answer to that question. He told me Yeah, I like it And he shared that the baby should be JJ. :)
Remember, if you need anything, we're just a couple of doors away!
Monica, Bill and Abby
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