Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jacob earns an "A+"

Jacob had his first visit to the pediatrician today and received an A+! Weight gain, breast feeding, and everything...he passed with flying colors. He has gained weight since leaving the hospital, which I could've told you, because of his crazy appetite. He has done extremely well with breastfeeding, which is a relief, after the trouble I had nursing Andrew. Jacob also seems to be becoming a better sleeper. He's been napping well during the day and last night I had to wake him for feedings throughout the night! I know what you're thinking, "Are you nuts! Never wake a sleeping baby!" Well, that's all well and good, if my boobs didn't feel like they were going to explode :) Can we say "Milk Mountains"?!?! We're hoping our nights ahead are just like last night...sleeping in 3+ hour chunks!

I was alone with both boys for the first time today, while Derek and Dorothy went to Home Depot. When they left the house, both Jacob and Andrew were sleeping. I woke Jacob to nurse, after he'd been sleeping for 3 hours and my "milk mountains" hit that point of no return! While I was nursing, Andrew woke up from his nap. Andrew was GREAT about being a big boy while I finished up with Jacob. He was probably just thrilled because I didn't put up a fight at all when he came down and asked to watch a movie. Aaahh...the beauty of videos and TV :) Derek and Dorothy were out for about an hour and I handled it all by myself...GO ME!!! When they came home, Derek had some quiet time with Jacob... could I forget...major milestone for me...I went to Target today!!! Yes, I gave birth 4 days ago and I already made my way to Target! I don't think I left the house for 4 weeks after Andrew was born!


Unknown said...

Glad Jacob is doing well! Hope he continues being a good little feeder and sleeper! Sorry about the milk mountains... The porn-star phase will pass! :-)

jodi said...

I'm so glad things are going well! You give me hope!

jodi said...

oh, and I love the new pics! Looks like Jacob is smiling! And I'm proud of you for hitting Target already, I am sure that would be my first store of choice as well!

Anonymous said...


Loved meeting Jacob the other day! (Thanks Dereck!) He is just adorable! His little cry is so cute - I'm sure you've gotten over that by now though. :)

Big brother Andrew has developed an answer to that question. He told me Yeah, I like it And he shared that the baby should be JJ. :)

Remember, if you need anything, we're just a couple of doors away!

Monica, Bill and Abby

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