As a mom of two wild-n-crazy boys, I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject of "timeouts". This blog is my way of taking a "timeout", because afterall, who doesn't need it every once in a while. Here, you will find stories about anything from motherhood to hot topics to just plain nothing. I hope you enjoy this blog and decide to share it with others. My goal is to make your day brighter, through humor and taking a little time out for yourself.
jacob has officially left the "baby look" behind and is sporting a new toddler haircut. at 18 months (on andrew's bday actually) jacob had his first haircut. i must admit, i was a bit nervous going into it, since andrew's 1st haircut was a miserable experience for all parties involved. in true jacob spirit, he didn't cry at all...and gave us some big smiles along the way.
as one might expect, the locks of love that were shed from jacob's head, have yet to make it into his baby book. POOR SECOND CHILD!
WOW...what a day! we celebrated andrew's 5th birthday with a fireman theme...complete with "tape the badge on the fireman", "stop drop and roll (like freeze dance)", a special cake made by derek...and the highlight of the day... A VISIT FROM THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!
over the summer months, i heard numerous reports that people should expect a shortage of pumpkins this year. it seems to me that these predictions were incorrect...as i am seeing plenty o' pumpkins everywhere! today, in the 75 degree sunshine, the boys and i made our way to our local farmer's market for what would be our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. i was SO delighted with their cooperation in taking pictures, that i went a bit crazy with the camera. by the time we left, jacob was walking to the car, repeating "cheese, cheese." we had a great time and hope to get back there one more time before halloween...maybe next time with D.
today jacob had his 15 month checkup (a month late!) and everything looks great. here are his stats and how he compares to andrew at this age.
as much as andrew LOVES firemen, fire stations, fire trucks (well, pretty much anything related to this topic) we couldn't pass up the opportunity to visit our local fire station when they had an open house. we went with our next door neighbors, sarah (8) and brendon (11), whom andrew absolutely ADORES! in typical andrew style, he told us on the way there, that he no longer wanted to go. derek talked to him about why, and it turns out he was nervous. he definitely gets nervous/anxious in unfamiliar situations like this and i was so proud of him for verbalizing it. when we got there, he saw another friend of his, which helped him warm up to the whole thing. he did have a few moments during our visit, when we could tell he was getting anxious, but for the most part we were able to catch it ahead of time and ward off any meltdowns. all in all, it was a great way to spend time together and both boys (and the neighbors) had a lot of fun!!!
jacob especially loved the balloons and getting the chance to crawl through a tunnel to a mat where he had to stop, drop and roll (sorry, didn't get any pics of this!).