I know I said that would be my last post about the summer, but I couldn't skip posting about this FUN activity! Last Friday, we met friends at Kids N Motion. I was a bit nervous at first, because neither of my boys have ever loved these big bounce places....but...this place was AWESOME! First off, the gym time is split by age, so we went when it was a 6 and under time slot. It was really nice not to have to worry about big kids trampling our little ones. Second, they had plenty of toys other than the bounce equipment, which was great for Jacob, until he warmed up a bit. His favorite was definitely this roller coaster...which I might just have to buy him for Hanukkah!
Surprisingly so, Andrew jumped...or should I say BOUNCED...right in without any hesitation. WOW...how much he has changed in a year!
Lastly, the area is split in half, with only one half open at a time. So...just when the kids were getting bored (after about 45 minutes), they shuffle you into a second room, with all new toys and bounce equipment. It was SO much fun...for kids and adults too! The open session lasted 1 1/2 hours and then we took all the kids to Cici's Pizza for some much needed lunch.

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