Yes...tomorrow is Andrew's first day of Kindergarten and I promised myself I'd be caught up on posts before writing about his first day...so, that means I've got a lot to share with you tonight!
In order to get it all in, and not take up too much time (mine or yours!), I will just do a recap of the rest of our summer...since our return from Texas. We completed MORE things on our summer to do list...
National Building Museum...we actually did this 2 weekends in a row. The first time we went, the LEGO exhibit we were hoping to catch was sold out...so we bought tickets to return the following Saturday. I don't have any pics of the exhibit, but can tell you that it was quite amazing! It was really neat to see it through both Derek's architectural eyes, as well as Andrew's, well...5 year old eyes! The exhibit included the St Louis Arch, Sears Tower, Empire State Building, and WTC Tower, to name a few. After the exhibit, there was an area to build your own creation, which was then added to the cityscape they are creating at the museum. Of course, the boys LOVED this! The LEGO exhibit is at the museum until Sept 2011...I definitely recommend it...especially if you have LEGO enthusiasts in your home!
Reston Zoo...Until this recent visit, I had not been to the Reston Zoo since I was a child...probably sometime when I attended RHOA day camp! What a GREAT place to take the kids! We will definitely make this an annual activity...if not more often than that! Highlights included feeding the animals, feeding a bottle of milk to a baby goat, riding a wagon around and seeing amazing animals (including a zebra!) up close and personal. The best part though, was being there with my sister and her girls too. The kids LOVE spending time together and it is so great to watch them all enjoy things together!
The Farm...The boys and I took a trip (quite a long one!) up to my aunt and uncle's farm house in NY. We were joined by my aunt and uncle, cousin Lisa and cousins Staci, Aleks and baby Asher and their dog Mason. Despite the lack of sleep I had there, due to both boys having difficulty sleeping, we still had a great time. Incredibly enough, the weather was not too hot, which is abnormal up there this time of year. We actually had to wait for it to warm up in the morning before we could head to the pond/stream. While there we also went to an apple orchard/petting zoo/playground...yes, all 3 in 1! We had a great trip, but I think next year we need Derek with us...one-on-one defense always works better than zone with these kids!

mixing up the compost

yes, that goat did climb up on the stumps...right next to us!

And now...we're going back, back, back to school.....
I love the picture of the whole family at the Reston Zoo. Your adventures sound awesome!! Good luck to Andrew on his first day of kindergarten. :)
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