my lack of posts on this blog is no indication of our has been busy busy busy....and we're having lots of fun along the way! the boys have been in camp 4 mornings a week, and typically we head to the pool in the afternoon. andrew has been doing private swim lessons and has made great improvements this summer!
here are some highlights of our adventures thus far....
CARS 2...
i was able to score 4 tickets to a private screening of CARS 2 the weekend it opened. i'm not sure who was more excited about this....we ALL know how much i heart FREE stuff! in addition to the free tickets, the kids each scored a CARS 2 tshirt, a color changing water bottle and a snack pack for the movie! despite my thinking that the movie was way over their heads, with the whole espionage theme, the boys seemed to really enjoy it. personally, i think CARS was a much better flick!
BEACH WEEK 2011...and the "I DO's"as is tradition, we headed down to corolla, nc for a week of sun, fun, surf and....a wedding! yes, this year was special, in that, chris and morgan (my sister's bro in law and his now wife) tied the knot while we were there. it made for an extra special vaca! a few other highlights of the trip were...
*climbing the corolla lighthouse
*andrew swimming in the pool on his own
*watching andrew LOVE the ocean and the beach
*the four cousins having a sleepover every night...
and the BIGGEST highlight of the week, was that this was the first year (in 8 years of doing this trip) that neither my sis nor i had to bring a pack-n-play or diapers!!!!
STEVE SONGS...another
summer tradition of ours, is to see
steve songs at
wolf trap. i believe this was our 4th year! this time we made our way there with neighbors and we ALL had a blast! we almost didn't go, because the forecast was for over 100 degrees....and it is always 10 degrees hotter and stuffier in those good ol' woods! we made it though, with water bottles & fans in tow...and the temps were actually bearable!

STAY TUNED...with about 4 weeks of summer remaining, we still have several fun things planned, including a trip to baltimore and also the cameron run water park.
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