Monday, October 25, 2010


all my life i have struggled with making decisions. i tend to defer to someone else. usually on the smallest of things, such as what to have for dinner, what color should I polish my nails, what i should wear, etc. i married a man with the same decision making abilities. so...what did we expect from our offspring?!?! YES....andrew is EXTREMELY indecisive. he always has been. from what sippy cup he wanted to use at a younger age, to what book to read at night, to what clothes to wear, etc. it has always been a challenge for andrew to make decisions. we have even sought professional help in this area...although who are we kidding...WE are the ones who taught him this wonderful life skill ;)
now to the present day story of andrew's indecisiveness....about a month ago (because while i may not be able to make small decisions, i AM a planner of sorts!) we started talking about what andrew wanted to be for halloween. he said "a detective" just like "nate the great." easy enough i thought...i'll buy him a hat, coat and magnifying glass. mission halloween costume had begun. when my mom was in town a few weeks ago we found a hat i could easily make into the necessary style and a mag glass. all was looking good! well...there had to be problem, search for a detective coat took me far and stores...friend's closets...etc...but no coat! we were scheduled to attend a halloween party this past sat night and in a last ditch effort to not let andrew down, i came up with a plan. i hit up the party store saturday morning for their overpriced, low quality spooky gear! i found a better detective hat and a lab coat...yes, i know, it's no trench coat, but i thought it would work. i brought it home and presented both to andrew as "the detective costume from the halloween store." he took one look at the coat and said "it's not a detective coat. it's white." ummmm.....gotcha mom! thanks for taking time to try and be creative while saving my halloween...NOT!!! without a detective costume and only hours to go before the party, andrew had to make a change...he decided to be a baseball player and wear his tball uniform. GENIUS i thought! party was attended...all was great!

one prob...could the stuff from the overpriced party store be returned....YES...until monday (TODAY!) so...first errand this morning was returning the hat and coat. DONE.CHECK.MONEY BACK.PHEW!

then came today's conversation...

andrew: "mom, i can't be a baseball player for halloween because it's just an outfit not a costume."

me: "well, it's also a costume. it's something you have to change into. just like carter and ben are going to be football players for halloween. you'll be a baseball player."

andrew: "better idea mom. i'll be luke skywalker. we already have the white coat."



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