Monday, May 23, 2011

that's what he said...

today in the car, jacob was being quite loud and it was bothering andrew. andrew had asked him to please be quiet several times, and he wouldn't listen. i then told him to please be quiet.
his response..."no i won't stop. i the king!"

jacob was in rare form (aka totally crabby!) at the grocery store today. he threw several tantrums throughout the shopping trip. one of the funniest ones occurred in the pasta aisle. he insisted that he wanted to try the elbow macaroni (which btw was on the shelf....not even in our cart!). i tried explaining to him that it had to be cooked before eating it. i told him it was hard, not soft like the pasta he eats at home. he was screaming, "i want to eat it NOW!" he then took the box off the shelf, opened it, took out a noodle and proceeded to eat it....all this while i stood there and watched (with a smirk on my face!).
crunch, crunch, spit on the floor
"eww mommy. why you have me eat that?"
yes...that box of pasta, now opened and tainted by my 2 year old, came home with us!

later in the shopping trip, jacob refused to ride in the cart. this wouldn't have been such a problem if he would walk with me. nope....the reason....he wanted the milk with the picture of a cow on it....not the milk i had already placed in the cart (sans cow pic). so....he just plopped himself down....right there in front of the milk fridge. and so it was....we had a little standoff in the milk department! guess who won??? ME....we got the milk already in our cart....and jacob walked with me to the register. well, almost all the way there. half of the time he said he was "froggy jacob" and proceeded to hop like a frog saying "ribbit."
no.....this is not a joke! this really was my trip to the grocery store today!!!

now...where's that wine i bought?!?!?


janet said...

i TOTALLY laughed out loud.
oxoxo jacob and andrew's nanny

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