Thursday, January 14, 2010

junk it 2010...the kitchen

as you know from reading my earlier post, the kitchen portion of junk it 2010 is to be completed tomorrow. i am happy to report that this should be achieved! the kitchen is pretty much

de-junktified and i only have a few minor areas remaining to be organized. i gave away many items on freecycle and i am still holding out for a few items that will hopefully make us some money on craigslist. i am feeling very good about all that i have accomplished this week...did i mention that i completed ANOTHER 4+ mile run today!!! GO ME!!! i'm thinking the next room on my list should be the play room...that one might take more than a week. i am SO excited to declutter that room...say bye-bye to your toys, boys!!! stay tuned and i'll let you know what assignment i choose!


Karen said...

Good for you Amy. I have been inspired and I am dejunking too. I have done some of the kitchen, my desk at work and desk at home so far. Much more to do, but it is a start.

Mommy's Time Out said...

glad to hear it karen! keep it up!!!

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